nat & kat -official winner of amazing race season 17
i only start rooting for the doctors after the elimination of michael and kevin (team jumba). Really hope this father and son team could have gone further, but too bad, they were eliminated because of a cab...arghh~. anyway, the grand final just end up like what i wish for, nat & kat 1st, followed by brooke & claire 2nd and the third is jill and thomas(the last standing man...lol). Not really like thomas coz he seemed a little bit cocky to me..haha.
to talk about the my most favourite amazing race winners of all time, definitely rob and brennan, the lawyers in season 1 and also tammy and victor, also lawyers in season 14. (hmmp...why i always root for lawyers ar?...haha)

tammy & victor
for the next season sneak preview, guess what, it's going to be an all stars season again!! wohoo~ it seems like jet and cord is definitely in!! i think gary and mallory is in too as i heard her saying, "we are doing this again". from what i googled, seems like there are going to be 5 teams from season 14, wow~ but i dun mind, coz season 14 is one of the best seasons that i've watched. can't wait for it!!
oh...on the other hand, for amazing race asia which ended last thursday, congrates to the richards for becoming the first phillipines to have won the race. As a malaysian, of course i root for ethan and khairie, so sad that they didn't make it. for another malaysian pair, ivan and hilda, although they didn't make it that far, but i really wanna give a credit to them for making the show a lot more interesting. I would like to say that they totally steal the show in the first 2 episodes.
So, let's us all wait for the amazing race allstars, season 18 which is going to aired on 20th february 2011. hope it's going to be a great one :)
My favorite team: rob and brennan & reichen and chip lol! u know the reason!